Dahua DH-SD22204T-GN
Homebridge Config
"cameras": [{
"name": "Gate Camera",
"manufacturer": "Dahua",
"model": "DH-SD22204T-GN",
"serialNumber": "yourcameraserialnumber",
"firmwareRevision": "yourcamerafirmwarerevision",
"motion": true,
"motionTimeout": 35,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://yourcamerauser:yourcamerapassword@yourcameraIP:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0",
"vcodec": "copy",
"maxFPS": 4,
"maxStreams": 2,
"maxWidth": 704,
"maxHeight": 576,
"packetsize": 1316,
"maxBitrate": 1000,
"audio": true,
"mapaudio": "0:1?",
"debug": true
"platform": "Camera-ffmpeg"
Additional Information
- Setting "vcodec" value as "copy" let you to use even old (2015) weak (RAM 512 MB) OrangePiOne as HomeBridge with 2-5% CPU load for 11 cameras simultaneously
- "maxFPS" could be set to 14 if your camera is in good wired network