Raspberry Pi HQ Camera
with Logitech C525 (for sound only)
Homebridge Config
"name": "HQ cam",
"unbridge": true,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-re -f video4linux2 -input_format mjpeg -i /dev/video2 -f alsa -ac 1 -i hw:CARD=C525,DEV=0",
"stillImageSource": "-f video4linux2 -ss 0.9 -i /dev/video2 -vframes 1",
"maxStreams": 3,
"maxFPS": 30,
"forceMax": false,
"encoderOptions": "-preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency",
"audio": true,
"debug": false
Additional Information
Adding the C525 changes the address of the HQ cam from /dev/video0 to /dev/video2, so keep that in mind!
I did a write-up on Reddit.