Wyze Cam v2 and Pan
Homebridge Config
"name": "CAMERA NAME",
"manufacturer": "Wyze",
"model": "Wyze Cam v2 OR Pan",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL#",
"firmwareRevision": "VERSION#",
"unbridge": false,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://USER:PASS@IP/live",
"stillImageSource": "-rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://USER:PASS@IP/live -vframes 1 -r 1",
"additionalCommandline": "-protocol_whitelist https,crypto,srtp,rtp,udp",
"maxWidth": 1280,
"maxHeight": 720,
"maxFPS": 15,
"maxStreams": 2,
"audio": true,
"vcodec": "copy",
"motion": true
Additional Information
"unbridge" is recommend in the plugin configuration but I could get not any camera to appear in HomeKit until I after I set it to false (or removed it from config), I tested it on bare bones where I removed most of the settings listed above to make sure none of them were in conflict.